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Unity San Diego

3770 Altadena Avenue  San Diego, Ca  92105-3099

Dear Holy Child,

Dear child you are precious...
All the wealth of God has been prepared for you, to rejoice and live a life of opulent fullness.
All of the universe was created as your playground.
You are unique and uniquely celebrated by all the realms and hosts of heaven.
Your life is a renewal of the ancient pattern of Christ, the Anointed.

Dear child you are whole...
God's life ever stirs in you to quicken your body temple with health-creating life.
All of the universe is prepared to clothe you in radiant splendor.
May every atom of your being shimmer with everlasting peace and power.
You stand tall in Spirit.
You move ever forward with strength and vigor.
You are eternally one with the fountain of living water, outpouring for your blessing.

Dear child you are loved...
God rejoices in you.
All of the universe pulses with a heart-throb of joy.
The stars dance in anticipation of your conscious embrace of the Divine.
Waves of exuberant laughter resound for you in the infinite heart of God.
Relax and release your cares and fears in the allness of God's love.
Loose and lose yourself in God as His Beloved.

Dear Holy Child,
In your oneness with the One, know that you are ever precious, ever whole and ever loved.

by Blair Tabor, © 1996


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Christ Church Unity Church Prayer

The radiance of the Christ fills us to overflowing with the blessing of God’s love.

We give thanks for the divine activity of the Holy Spirit that establishes healing, abundant prosperity, joyous and loving relationships, guidance, wisdom and understanding that permeate all of our people and activities.

We are growing in God’s good.  Our services, classes and activities are filled with joyous, loving, supportive people, eager to grow in God’s truth and bless each other.

We and our church are beacons of infinite blessings.  The radiance of divine love attracts to us all that is necessary to be in joyful service to God and God’s children.

Divine Order operates joyously and completely in every aspect of our church and in every aspect of our lives.

We release all that is not of the Christ, all limiting beliefs, ideas and actions.

We incorporate the Christ consciousness in all our thoughts, words and actions.  We affirm peace in our lifetime.  The power of prayer is evident in mighty, healing, transforming ways.

Thank You, God, for Your continual infilling that establishes Your kingdom of blessing on earth.



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